Is Green Tea Acidic? Loss Your Weight With Green Tea

Is Green Tea Acidic?  Loss Your Weight With Green Tea - Baraguz
by Digital Shaping on July 17, 2024

Is green tea acidity your concern? In this article we will explain everything there is to know. We know you want to explore without wasting a second.

There are numerous benefits of green tea, such as boosting metabolism and reducing the risk of many chronic diseases but most importantly it aids your overall health by helping your cardiovascular health and circulation, also helps against cognitive decline, supports bone health, alleviates anxiety and stress, it also aids in lowering cholesterol, helps manage and prevent type 2 diabetes and might reduce stroke risks. Are you a big fan of green tea like millions of others and drink it twice a day? If so, you should know about its pH and nature, whether it is acidic or alkaline. Most of us don't know that our body's pH should be alkaline because if the body's pH is acidic, there is a higher chance of getting inflammation and other chronic diseases. An alkaline pH of the body decreases the chances of persistent infections and the need for antibiotics.

Many people who love to maintain a healthy lifestyle drink various detox teas to eliminate toxins from the body. Here, the question arises: is green tea acidic? In this article, we will pick your brain and answer all the questions related to your health and green tea acidity. The good news is green tea is more acidic than water but less than coffee and other fruit juices. On the pH scale (which measures acidity), the range of acidity for green tea is 6.5 to 7.5.

If you are new to the concept of pH, do not worry. We are here to help you on the journey of maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

The pH is equal to −log10 c. It is a scale that tells us about the acidity and alkaline nature of any food and body. Remember, 7 is considered neutral, less than 4 is highly acidic, and above 7 is alkaline.

Now, green tea lovers might wonder, why is green tea acidic? This slightly acidic nature comes from the tea leaves.

pH Level of Green Tea

The pH scale helps us determine the nature of any product. This scale starts from 0 and ends at 14. A pH of 7 is neutral; above 7 is alkaline, like baking soda. Mostly, acidic foods are sour, like lemon juice, and alkaline foods are bitter. Green tea has a slightly sour taste balanced by subtle bitterness. Green tea is considered slightly more acidic than water and less acidic than coffee and other black tea.

What is the need for us to know about the nature of green tea?

The answer is very simple: It has countless benefits and is advised by many health practitioners and doctors to drink at least three times a day to flush out toxins from our bodies.

Benefits of Green Tea

  • It improves various health conditions because it is rich in antioxidants called catechins, including EGCG.
  • Antioxidants also help the body improve cognitive functions and keep a person's mood stable.
  • Green tea, combined with physical exercise, boosts and maintains the metabolic rate, helping to reduce fat.
  • By keeping your body clean and free from toxins and reducing inflammation, it ultimately reduces the chances of developing cancer.
  • Green tea prolongs the aging process and keeps you young and healthy.
  • You will be amazed to know it also improves oral health.
  • It is the best for cardiovascular health.

Green Tea Acidity

As we discussed above, green tea is slightly acidic, but we also want to state that it won't significantly affect the body's pH.

The acidity of green tea depends on multiple factors, including:

  • Brewing time/temperature
  • Water source & temperature
  • Leaf age/quality
  • Additives

To reduce its acidic nature due to green leaves, you should keep the brewing time shorter and brew it at a low temperature.

If we compare green tea with black tea or coffee, green tea is a safer drink and does not cause acid production like black tea and coffee. The tannins in coffee mainly relax the stomach wall but increase acid production. Green tea mainly reduces inflammation in the body, especially in the esophagus, because of its antioxidants and polyphenols, and helps food to digest faster.

Next Time Keep in Mind While Drinking

  • Green tea is slightly acidic or alkaline; you can say it is close to neutral.
  • Green tea acidity depends on brewing water, leaves, and additives.
  • Generally, it is safer to drink than coffee.
  • Although it is slightly acidic, it will reduce the body's inflammation and keep overall health amazing.

What is Acidity in Beverages?

We drink different beverages daily, and we can measure their nature by checking the pH. The same rule will be applied: if the pH is equal to 7, it will be considered neutral; if the pH falls below 7, it will be acidic; and above 7, it is considered alkaline.

Is Green Tea Acidic and Safe to Drink?

Yes, green tea is acidic, but it does not cause any harm to the body or change the body's pH. Many drinks have a higher pH level than green tea. You should always remember that drinks with a pH below 5.5 can cause tooth decay and be harmful to the body.

Tea Average pH Level

  • Black: 4.9-5.5
  • Green: 7-10
  • Chamomile, mint, fennel: 6-7
  • Lemon: 3
  • Rosehip, blackberry: 2-3

Reason for Green Tea Acidity

You will be amazed to know that natural antioxidants like catechins are responsible for the slight acidic nature of green tea. These antioxidants, along with other compounds like tannins, still make it a perfect choice for people who are sensitive to acidity but want to keep themselves fit.

Comparison with Other Beverages


pH Level

Acidic or Alkaline


Green tea 6-7 Slightly acidic and slightly alkaline Neutral
Coffee 4.85-5.10 Acidic Coffee causes acid reflux in many people
Black tea 4.9-5.5 Acidic Less acidic than coffee
Soda 2.5-3.5 Acidic Soda is acidic due to added sugars and carbonation
Lemon juice 2-3 Very acidic  Acidic

Acidity and Health Benefits

We know green tea is mildly acidic but almost neutral and does not cancel out its helpful advantages. Green tea is celebrated as the most beneficial drink around the globe.

Antioxidants like catechins neutralize the effect of acidity, and many people can manage this slight acidity effect easily. Compared to fast food and other meat food, green tea is highly beneficial, and tannins, catechins, and other helpful compounds outweigh the side effects of green tea acidity.

For most people, the slight acidity is no big deal and is easy to manage.

How to Reduce Acidity in Green Tea

For many people, there are many ways to reduce the acidity of green tea. Here we are mentioning 5 of them. To know more, you need to contact our certified health practitioners.

  1. Add Honey: You can add one teaspoon of honey to balance the acidity. For people who don't mind taking natural sweeteners and sugar, they can add sugar to the green tea to neutralize the effect of acidity.
  2. Add Lemon: We know lemon is acidic, but isn't it amazing to get an alkaline and balanced flavor by adding a slice of lemon to green tea? Yes, you read it right. Lemon gives an alkaline effect when it is metabolized, so adding it to your water or green tea will increase the health benefits.
  3. Use Cool Water: There is one more way to reduce the acidity of green tea, and it is very simple. All you need to do is brew the green tea with slightly cooler water (160-180°F). This can reduce the release of tannins, resulting in less acidic green tea.
  4. Choose High-Quality Tea: Anyone who wants to avoid the slightly acidic nature of green tea should choose a good brand because high-quality green tea tends to have a smoother and less acidic taste compared to low-grade teas.
  5. Reduce The Brewing Time: The best way to reduce the acidity of green tea is by steeping green tea for only one to two minutes.


This blog draws a complete and clear picture that shows the acidity of green tea is not harmful. It is near to seven and very gentle compared to many other beverages. Many of us can easily manage the slight acidic nature of green tea and still enjoy the countless benefits it offers.

We hope you now have a clear idea that catechins and tannins in green tea cause the acidity, and we can reduce it by applying simple methods. If you are a health freak, a tea enthusiast, or someone on the journey to improve their lifestyle, green tea is a fantastic choice and can be a great addition by offering many health benefits that neutralize the effect of slight acidity.

Our health practitioners are experts and certified with decades of experience and can help you on call and suggest solutions for your queries. Do not forget to buy our Detox tea range.


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